Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Key Details University Master Plan
Status In Planning
Client Martin University
Role Planner
Martin University, anchored in the heart of the Martindale Brightwood community, educates and develops diverse workforce-ready students in an inclusive, supportive, and collegiate environment. As Indiana’s only Predominantly Black Institution (PBI) of higher education, the university is uniquely positioned to help resolve the racial equity gaps through educational attainment, economic mobility, and other factors that have caused persistent disparities.
METICULOUS is engaged as the university’s architect of record providing ongoing master planning and design services aligned with a multi-phased, Campus and Neighborhood Revitalization Strategic Vision.” The plan is focused on enhancing and growing education programs and access, aligning workforce demand and training to position the university as a top choice for employers, while increasing retention and completion. Identified future projects to date include: Eleven Fifty Academy Coding and Cyber Security Center, a Drop-In and Youth Services Center, a new Career Center, and a new National Center for Racial Equity and Inclusion.